Quantum Secure Encryption
Quantum Threats Are Emerging
It is not a matter of when current encryption will be broken, it is a matter of when. Nation-states, hackers and other nefarious players are saving troves of data for that moment. Once they have the tools to hack they will do so. Protecting today's data will prevent the hackings of tomorrow. With the rise of quantum computing, we need a new level of quantum resistant encryption.
Enter Chaotic Hybrid Encryption
Our Patented Chaotic Hybrid Encryption (CHE) encrypts communications 20-100 times faster than current solutions. By leveraging our proprietary Hybrid Extreme Computing (HxC), simulations reach speeds between a Supercomputer and a Quantum Computer. Secure your information from the rise of quantum.
How is CHE Quantum-proof?
Say Hello to Hybrid Computing
Advanced Hybrid Computing Framework
Extreme Hybrid Processing
The Whisper Company's Patented Hybrid eXtreme Computer processing, you can run simulations at speeds between a Supercomputer and Quantum Computer.
Chaotic Hybrid Encryption
The Whisper Company's Chaotic Hybrid Encryption allows you to encrypt communications 20-100 times faster than current solutions.
Random Number Generator
The Whisper Company's HPRNG (Hybrid Pseudo-Random Number Generator) we can generate random numbers at rates of over 25 million (256-bits) keys per second.
Superior Performance
Crypto-Hybrid Engine
End-to-End Encryption
The Whisper Company uses a novel method and apparatus for enhanced performance and security. It is based on a hybrid (mixed: analog/digital) computing and chaos theory that generates potentially infinite (pseudo-random) keys, which can be used for unbreakable encryption and decryption.
Features & Benefits
With processing speeds between a super computer and quantum computer, your process requests will now be 20 to 100 times faster than current solutions.
Reducing price and giving you the best value, we give you the best bang for your buck. Experience the best of both worlds: Giving you the best computing power with the best energy efficiency.
Encryption, Prediction, Simulation, Optimization. The Hybrid Computer is not application specific like its cousin the Digital Computer.
Leveraging the OTP (One-Time Pad), an encryption technique in cryptography that cannot be cracked.
What is Hybrid Computing?
Digital computers perform numerical operations on discrete signals; in contrast, analog computers perform algebraic and integro-differential operations upon continuous signals. Therefore certain operations, which are difficult to program on a digital computer, are available inherently on the analog machine.
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, including our Chief Technology Officer, Benito, have leveraged these hybrid concepts to develop the HxC (Hybrid Extreme Computer) technology. It combines analog and digital computers that overcome the most difficult drawbacks of each technology. The result is a computer that can solve problems at speeds between supercomputers and quantum computers.
Research-Backed Technology
Documentation & Publications
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Quantum Proof?
Quantum Proof refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key/private-key algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. The problem with currently popular algorithms is that their security relies on one of three hard mathematical problems: the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm problem or the elliptic-curve discrete logarithm problem. Quantum Computing has proven to break these schemes.
What is Mixed Signal?
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a mixed-signal solution that combines both analog and digital computers, taking the best of each and complimenting the weaknesses of the other. Our innovative mixed-signal computation circuits overcome problems of both digital and analog computing, is fast, stable, field-programmable, and performs computations with real numbers. Differential equations –ubiquitous in science, engineering, technology, commerce, and other areas– could be solved in real-time or faster: what now takes hours in supercomputers could take seconds in our system.
What are Chaotic Oscillators?
A Chaotic Oscillator is a simple set of equations or an electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaotic behavior. This means roughly that it is a “non-periodic oscillator”; it produces an oscillating waveform that, unlike an ordinary electronic oscillator, never “repeats”. Small differences in initial conditions, such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation, yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general.
What is Hybrid Computing?
Digital computers perform numerical operations on discrete signals; in contrast, analog computers perform algebraic and integro-differential operations upon continuous signals. Therefore certain operations, which are difficult to program on a digital computer, are available inherently on the analog machine. Researchers, including our Chief Technology Officer, Benito Fernandez, at The University of Texas at Austin have developed technologies named HxC (Hybrid Extreme Computer), that combines analog and digital computers that overcome the most difficult drawbacks of each technology. The result is a computer that can solve problems at speeds between supercomputers and quantum computers.